
For the birding public NARREC has produced publications on the ethics and procedures of bird ringing and has in the latest poster attempted to show the interconnectedness of the SADC region’s bird population. For the general public and especially farming communities NARREC has developed and published numerous resource materials focusing on raptors as indicators of an ecosystem’s health. The publications assist with the identification of Namibia’s large birds of prey, owls and parrots and, importantly, on the risks and threats to wildlife populations when chemical poisons and pesticides are used indiscriminately. For Namibian school learners there are various posters and worksheets at the centre. The Ministry of Basic Education has recently approved a new publication from NARREC, “Where Birds are Prey”, as a Grade 6 English reader.

Vultures and Veterinary products
The global crisis for large scavenging birds of prey cannot be overemphasized. Not only are known threats to these species being amplified across countries and continents, but new threats are constantly emerging as well.
NARREC has recently approached all members of the Veterinary Association of Namibia to assist in the reduction of deaths by ingestion of veterinary products. You can read that document here.

Newspaper articles —

Attacks on lambs by scavengersThe amazing barn owl : A real farmer’s friend
The Namibian – 4 June 2009 
Vulture poisoning in the Caprivi
September 2009
Negative effects of human activity on raptors
Choose a Bird GuidebookConflicts with livestock
Falcons in the city
The Namibian – 30 Jan 2009 
Tourists of a different kind
The Namibian – 19 Feb 2009 
More vultures illegally poisoned
The Namibian – 20 Aug 2009 
Birds and powerlines : A new project takes flight
The Namibian – 27 August 2009 
Pangolins and TRAFFIC
Unpublished – 2009 
Rare birds fall victim to poison and traps
The Namibian – 16 Jan 2009
Get your own 24-hour pest controllers
The Namibian – 15 April 2010 
Vulture Restaurants
The Namibian – 10 June 2010 
Not enough done to protect pangolins
The Namibian – 18 June 2010 
Vulture Restaurants
New Era – June 2010 
Migration is a fascinating topic
The Namibian – September 2010 
Poisons a threat to farmers
The Namibian – November 2010 
A Busy year for NARREC
The Namibian – January 2011 
Another poison case
The Namibian – January 2011
Wild animals are not pets
The Namibian – March 2011
Pangolins endangered by international trade 
The Namibian – 21 April 2011
Good samaritan rescues Pangolin 
The Namibian – August 2011
International Vulture awareness Day
The Namibian – 25 August 2011
Poison Used to Kill Predators is the Biggest Threat to Vulture Populations in Namibia
New Era – 1 September 2011
An account of Namibia’s Seven Recorded Vulture Species in celebration of International Vulture awareness Day on 03/09/2011
New Era – 1 September 2011
SABAP2 is launched at the Namibia Bird Club symposium
The Namibian – May 2012 
Namibia needs a national response to feral cat colonies 
The Namibian – 24 May 2012
Barn owl a blessing in disguise
The Namibian – 7 July 2012
Think like a vulture today
The Namibian – 31 August 2012
Tbilisi +35
The Namibian – 20 September 2012
Plight of illegally traded birds highlighted at Windhoek show 
The Namibian – 4 October 2012
Pangolin remains a threatened species
The Namibian – 14 February 2013
International Pangolin Day
New Era –14 February 2013
More control needed over pesticides
The Namibian – 22 May 2014
Endangered and Critically Endangered – all 7 vulture species that should occur in Namibia
The Agra Ring – May 2016
Harsh measures to protect the pangolin 
The Namibian – 16 February 2017 

Booklets —


Namibia Large birds of Prey
A5 Full colour – English / Afrikaans 
SIDA / NNFAvailable from NARREC
Owls of Namibia
A5 Full colour – English
NAMDEB / NNFAvailable from NARREC
Predators on Livestock Farms
A5 Black & White – English / Afrikaans
Go-Green Nedbank NamibiaOut of print
Where Birds are Prey
A4 Black & White English 
Wildlife & Environment Society of SA
(REES program)
Available from NARREC
Bird Ringing in Namibia
A5 Black& White English
Namibia Bird ClubAvailable from NARREC
Poisons & Pesticides 
A guide to safe use
AGRA / SIDA / NNF / Raptors Namibia / 
Namibia Bird Club 
Available from NARREC
Vulture Restaurants
A guide to creating a feeding site
Waltons Stationers Available from NARREC
First Responders Manual
A guide to help save trafficked African Pangolin
World Wildlife Fund
Namibia Chamber of the Environment
Click here to view online

Posters — 

Namibia Large birds of Prey Owls of Namibia 
Take a closer look   Parrots and Lovebirds of Namibia 
Contact details of Ringers in Namibia Art for the earth 
Migration of birds Citizen Science and Birds