Treatment & Rehabilitation

Birds have greater mobility than mammals or plants and their adaptations have allowed them to occupy a great diversity of ecosystems and habitats. Many bird species have been able to adapt to and live near human habitation and many more species move through and over developed areas as local nomads or seasonal migrants. Yet there is a clear correlation between the density of a human population or human developments such as roads, together with the associated changes in the composition of wild plants and animals, and the number of injured birds likely to be rescued in that area. Because of this, NARREC has over the years mainly received birds and has become specialized in bird rehabilitation with a focus on birds of prey.

Besides more than twenty different species of birds of prey, vultures, eagles, falcons and owls, NARREC also houses a few parrot species. These parrots, both exotic and indigenous, are all birds that have been confiscated from undesirable or illegal possession and cannot be released. 

NARREC also commonly receives other wild animals that tend to become victims in urban areas. The ‘victims’ include wildlife held misplaced as pets, such as tortoises, wild parrots and surricates, as well as other wildlife such as porcupines, hedgehogs, monitor lizards and mongooses that simply get trapped in city areas, or pangolins that are used in traditional medicine. We even receive some reptiles.

What to do if you find an orphaned or injured wild bird

  • Pick up the bird with a towel or cloth if possible
  • Put the bird in a box
    • Make air holes in the box
    • Line the box with toilet paper or roller towels or a cloth
    • Close the box or put a cover over it
  • Put the box in a warm and quiet environment


Call a bird rehabber : Liz 081 129 0565 or Sonja 081 149 2313

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Give a baby bird the best chance of survival 
What to do to save a baby bird out of its nest