The Living World
Grade 8 to Grade 12

Teachers are welcome to request that the programme should emphasize a particular area of study.
Groups usually spend four hours at NARREC.
Not all activities are suitable for each class.
A snack break is taken during the course of the morning.
Welcome and introduction
  Activity A classroom poster introduction to ecosystems, habitats, wildlife, food chains, risks and threats
This Environment – abiotic and biotic relationships
  Activity Taking a 1km walk
Identifying abiotic elements of the environment
Identifying biotic elements of the environment
Collecting and counting primary producers
Leaf and seed types
  Assignment Identify different habitats
Identify main types of rocks and their formation
Count and record plants on a transect
Identify natural signs of life forms
Animals – birds of prey and their prey
  Activity Visit to the mammals and birtds – domestic and wild
Identifying signs of life
Kingdoms to species – Special characteristics
Consumers – Herbivores, omnivores and carnivores
Relationships – parasitic, mutualistic, commensal
Prey and predators, scavengers
Nocturnal and diurnal animals
Conservation and development
Risks and threats – global and local
Food, food chains and food pyramids
Examining owl pellets
  Assignment Use a field guide
Identify a species using special characteristics
Identify skeletal parts
Present a short story about an animal seen today
Write a story about an endangered Namibian species
Conservation of life
  Activity Take care because we share! The pyramid of life on earth
  Assignment Create a conservation slogan
Living organisms
Key characteristics of species
Threats to the environment
Hoepoe Kestrel chick Grey-headed Parrot